Terms of Use
This website is operated by Horizon International, Inc. and affiliated companies (hereafter referred to as “the Company”). Please carefully read the following notes in connection with the use of this website. | |
1. Disclaimer | |
This website contains information about forward-looking statements related to such as the Company’s products and services. The Company provides no guarantees associated with the use of the information on this website. The Company also assumes no responsibility for the content of third party’s websites linked to this website. The contents of this website are subject to change or delete without notice. This website may be discontinued by unavoidable circumstances. The Company shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect or consequential damages or any other materials from its website, or inability to use or access this website. |
2. Trademarks | |
Horizon trademarks, logo and product names found on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Company or the respective owners. Any use of trademarks, logo and product names are prohibited without the written permission of the Company. | |
3. Copyright | |
Copyright © Horizon International Inc. 1998-2017 All rights reserved. Copyright for this website content, including but not limited to photographs, diagrams and illustrations, shall revert to Horizon International, Inc. or a third party. The use of the information on this website, including any duplication, alternation, uploading, reproduction, transmission, circulation, licensing, sale or publishing, is prohibited by law in all cases except where use is personal or falls within the scope of actions expressly permitted by other legislation. |
4. Links | |
[Links to this Website] For parties desiring a link to this website, please email to [email protected] beforehand. URL to which you link is the Company’s top page URL. (http://www.horizon.co.jp/global.html) Request for links can be refused when the purpose of the link is not in accordance with the intention of this website or in the event that providing such a link could result in damage to the Company’s credibility. [Links to Third Party’s Website] This website may provide links to third party websites for your convenience. The Company does not assume any liability for contents, or for any damage incurred by third party’s websites. These other websites are operated as the responsibility of the respective company or organization providing the websites. Therefore, users of these other websites shall comply with the conditions posted on the respective websites. |